

Inspiring story about passion and determination

Couple of weeks back we received a message from a young gentleman that asked us to support his team in the upcoming motoracing championships. He represented a group of 15 young men from the University of Technology that became friends thanks to their passion for one thing: motoracing. This extraordinary group of young gentlemen designed and built from scratch a Formula One car, dreaming of participation in European championships. They worked tirelessly, day and night, to be prepared for start, requiring a constant flow of energy. Their passion, devotion, determinasion and modesty made a great impression on our team and we decided to support their dreams with what we have best to offer: energy. #everythingispossible #workhardplayhard #wesupportcreation #passion #kabisaenergydrink

KABISA is an island energy drink in Mauritius that stands out among other brands of energy drinks. On the energy drink market there are not so many unique energy drinks. When you search for list of international companies in Kenya there are also not so many. Mutalo Group will be present in Kenya by the end of October and will have orange juice, energy drink KABISA in its portfolio.