

Time to answer the question – how big is the energy drink market?

Every sector of the beverage market has its own rules. The energy drink market is still developing but it’s becoming a quite big and important part of the industry. Soft drinks distributors pay attention to different aspects of the products and can be quite picky – the manufacturers, including all energy drinks producers need to meet high standards and make their beverages stand out. The middle shelf of this part of the market is rather packed but there are still not so many healthy drinks companies which gives a lot of possibilities to the producers. One of the things that matters are the origin and the destination countries. European energy drinks need to meet the continent’s needs and usually they’re low in sugar and fat. Meanwhile in Africa drinks are expected to be as close to natural as possible – natural sugar is much more desired than artificial sweeteners, even if it’s reacher in calories. One of the energy drinks that are a perfect answer to the African’s market expectations is KABISA – an innovative beverage packed with vitamins, refreshment and natural tropical energy. It’s produced in Europe but it has a truly African spirit. One of the brand’s strategies to become number one is to cooperate with respected and loved celebrities, for example with an Ivorian superstar – Dj Kerozen. For Dj Kerozen concert is something he was definitely born for – you can see an incredible energy every time he’s on stage. KABISA won the hearts of many Africans, it’s one of the most popular beverages in several countries next to the best soft drink companies in Ghana. Next time you’re looking for an energy drink with an outstanding African vibe or for some real Algerian energy company producing KABISA is a solution for you.