

The best energy drink brand at SIAL PARIS 2018

Last month KABISA travelled to France, where we attended the prestigious SIAL PARIS 2018 exhibition. What a week it was! The main aim of the event is to help brands like KABISA share their vision at the global level. And it was a magnificent experience!

The exhibition took place between 21st and 25th of October. It was an amazing week for us, even though very tiring. Fortunately, we had a lot of KABISA to drink. It really helps increase your efficiency work, so we could overcome all the obstacles on our way. We met many new energy drink brands and we were amazed by the amount of positive feedback we got from them. In Poland energy drink market is a very developed area, so we wanted to show our best side. Everyone who tried KABISA pointed out the great tropical taste and of course complimented our attractive can design.

Our stand was placed in the section with another group of drinks, such as juices and sodas. A big crowd gathered around our stand through several days during exhibition. KABISA is the top selling energy drinks in South Africa, Malawi and Ivory Coast, just to name a few, so this perhaps explains the buzz it generated. KABISA was the energy drink name that stayed on everybody’s lips.

Many people congratulated us for winning the title of The Best Energy Drink 2017. It truly was a real honor and at the same time a huge motivation to continuously work hard and not forget about our own values , because due to this we create one of the healthiest energy drink on the market!

All in all the SIAL Exhibition was a particularly special time for us.  We realized why KABISA was able to win the hearts of so many people and hit the top place in the list of products made in Mauritius and the list of energy drinks in Kenya. It’s due to the fact that KABISA truly reflects the African way of life! This is why we decided to ramp up our energy drink production so that no one can miss out on the African vibe and unforgettable taste of KABISA! Stay tuned!