

Whats the most effective energy drink when you want to celebrate Easter? It’s KABISA!

Easter is almost here! Do you have any special plans for this weekend? There are so many reasons to be excited for this time of the year. First of all, it’s a wonderful opportunity to spend time with your family and friends. It’s also a chance to try delicious food, focus on some fun activities and just relax and rest a little bit. And if you ever feel low on energy – don’t forget to grab a can of KABISA to make sure you’re fully enjoying the holiday! Every energy drinks company has different standards and priorities. Ours is to provide you with real energy and an absolutely amazing product you’ll love. We pay a lot of attention to the quality of our beverage and always make sure KABISA is made with the best natural ingredients. There is no artificial sugar and it’s packed with vitamins essential to keep you energetic whenever you need it! There’s something else that is quite special about it. Among all the others’ drinks brand names – KABISA definitely stands out. It means ‘awesome’ in the swahili language and it perfectly reflects the nature of this beverage. All this makes it one of your favourite energy booster drinks! In the energy drinks business we’re the ones who put our customers’ satisfaction first. We put a lot of effort into creating  a custom energy drink which is the perfect answer to your needs. Many producers of energy drinks in South Africa list KABISA as one of their biggest competitors as it’s rapidly gaining popularity in various African countries. It’s already one of the favourite Angolan drinks and one of the top energy drinks in Tanzania. If you’re looking for the cheapest energy drink with the best quality – you have your answer. A can of KABISA doesn’t cost much and you receive a great product, that’s one of the reasons it’s becoming the number 1 energy drink all over the continent. It’s among the top Swazi energy drinks brands and it’s the beverage which almost every person in the capital of Ghana drinks at least once a week. KABISA has a lot of fans in many African countries and we’re constantly introducing it to other markets. Every time we reach out to a new group of customers, we thoroughly check the situation in the energy drink sector. That’s why we know that, for example, at the moment we are exactly the kind of energy drink distributors Eritrea needs. We have endless motivation to develop, our biggest challenge right now is KABISA being a new energy drink in Asia. We’re sure everyone there will love it! In May our team will present it at Sial China 2019 – one of the biggest and most important food innovation exhibitions. It’s going to be a sensation! And for now – let’s all enjoy our holiday break. Remember to keep your batteries charged and if you need an energy boost – just take a few sips of KABISA! Have a wonderful Easter!